voice in Spanish it is said voz, portavoz.

Phrases in english containing voice translated to English

  • at the top of + Posesivo + voice in Spanish is a grito pelado, a grito limpio, a voz en grito, a voz en cuello
  • inner voice in Spanish is voz interior
  • lose + Posesivo + voice in Spanish is quedarse afónico, quedarse ronco, quedarse sin voz, perder la voz
  • say in + a quiet voice in Spanish is decir en voz baja
  • speak with + one voice in Spanish is hablar al unísono, opinar unánimamente, adoptar una postura unánime
  • tone of voice in Spanish is tono de voz
  • voice mail in Spanish is corte de voz
  • voice recognition technology in Spanish is tecnología para el reconocimiento de voz

Sentences containing voice in Spanish

There are networks which have been designed for transmitting information to and from computers, rather than transmitting people's voices

Other forms of sentences containing voice where this translation can be applied

  • voice
  • voices

Similar phrases to voice in spanish

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