sore in Spanish it is said irritado, dolorido.

Phrases in english containing sore translated to English

  • a sight for sore eyes in Spanish is vista agradable, dichosos los ojos que te ven
  • sore loser in Spanish is como un energúmeno, como un basilisco, de mala leche, con un humor de perros
  • sore spot in Spanish is zona dolorida, asunto delicado, tema delicado, tema sensible, tema espinoso
  • touch on + a sore spot in Spanish is tocar donde duele, poner el dedo en la llaga

Sentences containing sore in Spanish

The article 'A site for sore eyes' explains elements in a Web site that will ensure that users will want to use it: aesthetics, navigation, graphics tools, etc.

Other forms of sentences containing sore where this translation can be applied

  • sore

Similar phrases to sore in spanish

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