software in Spanish it is said software . It is also translated software system , software program , computer application .

Phrases in english containing software translated to English

  • demostraciĆ³n de software in Spanish is software demo
  • software de filtrado in Spanish is communications software ; communications software
  • software intermedio in Spanish is middleware

Sentences containing software in Spanish

Software is the programs or lists of instructions which are necessary to enable a computer system to conduct specific tasks

READS is a software system designed to run on a local area network (LAN) file server and accessed by multiple workstation

In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance

This computer application allows the student to simulate the role of a volcanologist and provides insight into the role of a research scientist and the science of volcanology

Other forms of sentences containing software where this translation can be applied

  • softwares

Similar phrases to software in spanish

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