socio in Spanish it is said associate . It is also translated member , partner , insider , business partner , business associate , sidekick , season ticket holder , ticket book holder .

Phrases in english containing socio translated to English

  • campaña de captación de socios in Spanish is membership drive

Sentences containing socio in Spanish

A collaborator is a person who works with one or more associates to produce a work

Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members

Under this agreement, UTLAS has a Quebec partner with the exclusive right to offer UTLAS' services and products in that province

All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts

The article 'Howdy partner' considers ways in which the Internet can be used as an ideal medium for bringing together people from around the world as business partners

Jackie Chan's long-time business associates have dismissed speculations that they have ended their partnership with the actor

Her sidekick and confidante is Gabrielle, the rightful queen of the Amazons who abdicated her throne in order to join Xena

They know season ticket holders are willing to fork out the extra cash, because you never want to miss out on the excitement of a playoff run

Ticket book holders now receive discounted fares to alternate destinations

Other forms of sentences containing socio where this translation can be applied

  • socias
  • socia
  • socios

Similar phrases to socio in spanish

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