zulo in Spanish it is said hiding hole . It is also translated hidden storage place , secret storage location , secret storage place , secret holding location , secret cell .

Sentences containing zulo in Spanish

He was to remain in his refuge for one hundred and twenty-one days, an urban Robinson Crusoe, venturing forth from his hiding hole to retrieve salvageable materials from the jettisoned impedimenta of restless travelers

The excavations uncovered a hidden storage place that contained 26 well-preserved statues of kings, queens, and deities

The investigation also uncovered the existence of a secret storage location used since 1990

Her chest has a secret storage place that can hold a heart shaped lip gloss or eye shadow that comes with the doll

The captured crews were transported to secret holding locations where they were eventually interrogated until they told everything they knew

He was held as a secret prisoner and hidden in a secret cell

Other forms of sentences containing zulo where this translation can be applied

  • zulos

Similar phrases to zulo in spanish

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