recórcholis in Spanish it is said gee whiz [gee wizz] . It is also translated gosh , golly , by jingo! , blimey! , wow , crickey! , Christ! .

Sentences containing recórcholis in Spanish

He should beware that the 'gee whiz' or 'Isn't science wonderful' syndrome is not uncommon among the recently converted

Others sources may be easier and more instantaneous (such as online search engines), but, gosh, our libraries are the best sources of all

I know somebody is going to say, 'golly, he is lucky to be making that much money'

It begins with the term 'by jingo,' which was used as a euphemism for "by Jesus" as early as the 17th century

'Blimey, you did well to get that scoop. I didn't even know about it until 24 hours later!'

Wow, Romeo certainly was nuts about Juliet!

Crickey, I'd better pull my finger out and get the application forms in the post!

Christ, I'd better take some deep breaths and clear my head!

Other forms of sentences containing recórcholis where this translation can be applied

  • recorcholis

Similar phrases to recórcholis in spanish

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