¡por Dios! in Spanish it is said for crying out loud! . It is also translated for God's sake , in heaven's name , gosh , goodness gracious , golly , by jingo! , wow .

Sentences containing ¡por Dios! in Spanish

For crying out loud, would everyone please stop panicking -- Don't you realize that this would be a good thing in the long run?

Another aspect is the behaviour of users which is to be tolerated and even encouraged: `But for God's sake -- NO SHUSHING'

And how in heaven's name will we get any work done around here if we have to worry about grievance hearings, to say nothing of the grievant being in the same building

Others sources may be easier and more instantaneous (such as online search engines), but, gosh, our libraries are the best sources of all

Goodness gracious, is there a Lebanese plot afoot to control the world?

I know somebody is going to say, 'golly, he is lucky to be making that much money'

It begins with the term 'by jingo,' which was used as a euphemism for "by Jesus" as early as the 17th century

Wow, Romeo certainly was nuts about Juliet!

Other forms of sentences containing ¡por Dios! where this translation can be applied

  • por Dios

Similar phrases to ¡por Dios! in spanish

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