división in Spanish it is said bifurcaction . It is also translated divide , division , partition , split , splitting up , cleavage , rift , segmentation , splitting , splintering , splinter , balkanisation [balkanization, -USA] , fault line , parting , divided line .

Phrases in english containing división translated to English

  • división cultural, la in Spanish is cultural divide, the

Sentences containing división in Spanish

Unity is essential to the full appreciation, but unfortunately, historical bibliographical studies have proved to be particulary subject to bifurcation

Nevertheless, this basic divide remains a useful distinction between two major categories of indexing systems

In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term

It is concluded that the choice of citation and co-citation thresholds can be influenced by formal considerations which ensure statistically meaningful partitions rather than arbitrary decision which can produce meaningless interpretations

The information note may consist of a brief history of a corporate body, highlighting changes in the body's name, mergers with other bodies, splits within or between bodies, etc

New topics develop not merely by fission -- the splitting up of established subjects -- but also by fusion -- the merging of previously distinct subjects

After the Civil War, Emerson saw in collegiate education 'a cleavage occurring in the hitherto firm granite of the past'

Chief among these challenges is the technological rift that exists between the Third World and on-line systems that have their roots in technologically advanced societies

Using this method, the segmentation of natural keywords can be handled flexibly

The most obvious threat is the splitting of the media sector into separate information and entertainment sectors

This splintering of membership hinders the development of library unionism as a factor within the profession

However, others see the splinters in the discipline as a step in its revitalization

This shifts in emphasis mirror the general balkanization of modern American society

These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today

A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided

The 1944 Education Act established free, universal secondary education but on the divided lines suited to the needs of capitalism

Other forms of sentences containing división where this translation can be applied

  • division
  • divisiones
  • divisiónes

Similar phrases to división in spanish

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