¿cuándo demonios...? in Spanish it is said when on (this) earth...? . It is also translated when the devil...? , when (in/the) hell...? , when the shit...? , when the heck...? , when the fuck...? , when (in) the dickens...? .

Sentences containing ¿cuándo demonios...? in Spanish

When on this earth have we ever got anything for free?

When the devil did you guys start this?

When the hell did you get so negative?

When the shit did she get engaged?

When the heck did juggling become a sport?

When the fuck did everyone turn stupid?

When the dickens are you going to learn?

Other forms of sentences containing ¿cuándo demonios...? where this translation can be applied

  • cuando demonios
  • cuando demonio
  • cuándo demonios
  • cuándo demonio

Similar phrases to ¿cuándo demonios...? in spanish

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