conclusión in Spanish it is said conclusion . It is also translated outcome , result , wrap-up point , upshot , winding up , wrap-up , punchline [punch line] .

Phrases in english containing conclusión translated to English

  • alcanzar una conclusión in Spanish is reach + conclusion ; arrive at + a conclusion
  • llegar a la conclusión de que in Spanish is conclude ; form + an impression
  • sacar conclusiones precipitadas in Spanish is jump to + conclusions

Sentences containing conclusión in Spanish

Sometimes an extract from the conclusions of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document

One of the outcomes of entry under title has been the proliferation of serials titles

Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document

My wrap-up point is this: we probably need a nonresearch oriented cataloging center

The upshot has been that author-prepared abstracts vary considerably in quality

The author discusses the winding up of the CompuServe's project Red Dog

Finally, the article outlines the conference wrap-up

Young kids like listening to these shaggy dog stories, but don't usually 'get it', while parents generally groan over the punch lines

Other forms of sentences containing conclusión where this translation can be applied

  • conclusiónes
  • conclusiones
  • conclusion

Similar phrases to conclusión in spanish

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