calma in Spanish it is said quiet . It is also translated calm , calmness , cool head , tranquillity [tranquility, -USA] , stillness .

Phrases in english containing calma translated to English

  • ¡calma! in Spanish is steady on!
  • perder la calma in Spanish is blow + a fuse ; lose + Posesivo + cool ; come + unglued

Sentences containing calma in Spanish

During the parliamentary debates he pointed out the advantages to the public that would accrue from such havens of quiet and reasonableness as the library

Undue haste and panic can be minimized by calm, purposeful behavior that is reassuring to the public

Patience, calmness and clear thinking must be the virtues to aspire to in such circumstances

Nothing fazes Paula and with her cool head she thrives on the daily challenges that come her way

There are only a few really large areas of tranquillity left in England and we must all work together to protect them

Today is day one of my twenty one day challenge -- spending a minimum of 10 minutes a day in quiet stillness

Other forms of sentences containing calma where this translation can be applied

  • calmas

Similar phrases to calma in spanish

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