bravo in Spanish it is said spunky . It is also translated dauntless , brave , tough .

Phrases in english containing bravo translated to English

  • aguas bravas in Spanish is wild waters ; whitewater ; turbulent waters

Sentences containing bravo in Spanish

The author discusses a number of 'spunky' girls in adolescent and children's literature

He was a dauntless adventurer, a sleuthhound, a research scholar of exceptional acuity

It would be a brave man who would predict that such a process will always remain clumsy, slow and faulty in detail

As educators, then, we need to ask ourselves some very tough questions -- some to which we would rather not hear the answers

Other forms of sentences containing bravo where this translation can be applied

  • bravos
  • bravas
  • brava

Similar phrases to bravo in spanish

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