/ (barra inclinada) in Spanish it is said slash (/) . It is also translated oblique stroke (/) , stroke (/) , sloped stroke (/) , oblique , oblique .

Sentences containing / (barra inclinada) in Spanish

Use a slash (/) to search for all the terms in a range of terms

It is useful to employ some device, such as an oblique stroke (/), to separate clearly the elementary concepts in the summarization

The stroke / (slash in USA) is used to join consecutive UDC numbers to indicate a broader heading for which no single piece of notation exists

It is not recommended to use the sloped stroke, /, instead of the vertical stroke, |, for line endings, since in early printing it was used as a mark of punctuation

The system makes use of hyphens, commas and obliques to deal with more complicated situations: GR/EN/FR/IT would mean that the text is published in each of the 4 languages indicated

The system makes use of hyphens, commas and obliques to deal with more complicated situations: GR/EN/FR/IT would mean that the text is published in each of the 4 languages indicated

Similar phrases to / (barra inclinada) in spanish

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